N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Niznhi Novgorod

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Research Projects

Simplified photon mapping for real-time caustics rendering
Real-Time SAH BVH Construction for Ray Tracing Dynamic Scenes
Modeling of plasma using PIC method on cluster systems
Modeling of light propagation in a multilayered medium using the Monte-Carlo method
Interactive volume rendering of large data sets on GPUs using ray tracing
  1. Simplified photon mapping for real-time caustics rendering

    Project summary

        The objective of this project is to implement simplified photon mapping for real-time execution on the GPUs. We developed methods to adjust ray tracing for correct simulation of reflective and transparent objects that generate caustics – areas with dramatically increasing intensity of the light field. High-performance algorithm adapted for the GPU and implemented on the basis of cross-platform OpenGL and OpenCL APIs is proposed. For effective rendering of caustics and generation of photon map OpenGL shaders are used. Voxel acceleration structure constructed directly on the GPU by means of OpenCL provides fast access to photon map. The proposed approach provides for high speed of operations with photon maps including up to 1 million elements with HD resolution (GeForce GTX 280).



    • Denis Bogolepov, Dmitry Sopin and Vadim Turlapov. Real-time caustics modeling. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision (GraphiCon), pp. 253—257, September 20-24, 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia
    • Denis Bogolepov, Dmitry Sopin, Vadim Turlapov. Simplified photon mapping for real-time caustics rendering. To appear in Journal of Numerical Methods and Programming (2011).

  2. Real-Time SAH BVH Construction for Ray Tracing Dynamic Scenes

    Project summary

        This work is aimed at the development of effective algorithms for building of full SAH BVH trees on GPU in real-time. In this work it is presupposed that all the scene objects are represented by a number of triangles (the so-called “triangle soup”), at the same time the arbitrary changes in the geometry are allowed in the process of rendering. In contrast with the other interactive BVH build methods we don’t use the simple heuristics similar to “Median Splits” and “LBVH” because they lead to decline in the quality of the generated data structure and consequently to the worse rendering performance. This work proposes a number of methods for the effective mapping of the general algorithm to the architecture of modern GPUs what allowed to accelerate the tree building up to 10 times compared to the best known GPU implementation [C. Lauterbach…, D. Manocha. Fast BVH Construction on GPUs. Computer Graphics Forum, 28, 2, 375–384, 2009].


    Project Site

    Open Source – https://gitorious.org/+rtrt-dev


    • Denis Bogolepov, Dmitry Sopin and Danila Ulyanov. Real-Time SAH BVH Construction for Ray Tracing Dynamic Scenes. To appear in Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision (GraphiCon), 2011.

  3. Modeling of plasma using PIC method on cluster systems

    Project summary

        Plasma is a state of matter similar to gas in which a certain portion of the particles are ionized. The objective of this project is numerical simulation of the plasma on the heterogeneous cluster systems using CPU and GPU nodes. The project includes the following tasks:

        Research of the Particle-In-Cell method for plasma simulation and description of the computational scheme using the experience of solving applied problems in the IAP RAS.

        Development of infrastructure for problem research (code building system, test system for analyzing the correctness and performance and the engine for configuration and visualization).

        To improve the efficiency of resource use individual parts of the computational scheme are parallelized on shared memory (OpenMP) and GPU (CUDA).


    Project Site


  4. Modeling of light propagation in a multilayered medium using the Monte-Carlo method

    Project summary

        To improve the efficiency of modern methods of laser diagnostics as well as to develop new methods the detailed research of light propagation in various media (including biological tissue) is necessary. Computer simulation of this process provides the better understanding of the laser beam propagation in modeling media, as well as analysis the effects of various parameters of the measuring system and the test object. The project is aimed at the modeling of light propagation process in a multilayered medium. The project includes the following tasks:

    • Study of the modeling method described in the paper of Lihong Wang “Monte Carlo Modeling of Light Transport in Multi-layered Tissues”.
    • Implementation of the sequential algorithm for the CPU and then porting it to the GPU.
    • Parallelization of algorithm for multiple GPUs.


    • Victor Gergel  – project leader (gergel@unn.ru)
    • A. Gorshkov
    • T. Bagautdinov

    Project Site



    • Gergel V.P., Gorshkov A.V., Bagautdinov T.A., Fiks I.I., Kirillin M.Yu. Modeling of light propagation in a multilayered medium using the Monte-Carlo method // In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference “High-performance parallel computing on cluster systems”, November 1-3, Perm, Russia, 2010 (in russian).

  5. Interactive volume rendering of large data sets on GPUs using ray tracing

    Project summary

        A significant problem in analyzing the results of 3D numerical calculations is high quality interactive visualization. Commonly used techniques such as analysis of 2D slices or analysis of the integral characteristics (such as the frequency and energy spectra) are not always sufficiently informative. Volume rendering is natural and effective method for visualizing such data. The project is aimed at solving actual problems in the field of interactive multi-volume rendering of large 3D data sets. We are developing a software system for visualization of 3D data, which provides high-quality interactive visualization of large data sets, as well as flexible and semi-automatic setting of visualization parameters.


    Project Site



    • Gavrilov N., Belokamenskaya A. Stereo visualization of scientific and medical volume data in real-time using ray tracing // In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision (GraphiCon), September 20-24, 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia (in russian).
    • Gavrilov N., Belokamenskaya A. Stereo visualization of tomograms on the GPU using stream computing concept // In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference “High-performance parallel computing on cluster systems”, November 1-3, Perm, Russia, 2010, pp. 58-61 (in russian).

